Monday, February 2, 2009

35 weeks and counting...

So that's my current accomplishment the twins are still in there at 35 weeks, 2 more and they reach full gestation, which is all you can hope for with twins. I'm not on bedrest, but I do feel some days as if I am little more than an incubator.

The pregnancy has proceeded almost ideally from the twins side of things. All Non-Stress Test results are perfect, no sign of abnormalities on any ultrasounds, no defiencies in any of the bloodwork.
For mama to be however...
I currently get steady numbness on my left leg, Anna likes to push on a nerve on that side, my right side is more obviously swollen than my left now, its freakishly obvious at my ankles and hands, the heartburn is returning despite taking prilosec, I'm not getting more than 4 consecutive hours of sleep, hungry all the time, fatigued all the time, oh and did I mention the twins are just as active as ever-books say they slow down as they get bigger, the books lie. Of course high kick counts means the babies are healthy, it also means my rib cage and anything else they can reach gets worked over. To top it off my waist is currently 46 1/2inches circumference, approximately 20 inches more than at the start of the pregnancy and I've gained over 60lbs. not to mention my stomach is so covered in stretch marks that a one piece is my only swimming option from here on out.

A note on stretch marks, they are genetic, dont let anyone talk you into any kind of special cream to prevent them. Yes using cocoa butter feels good on your skin and should be used because the hormones have a drying affect on your skin, but do not kid yourself that it is going to stop the scaring of your abdomen.

With all that said our next Doctor's visit I am asking for an amnio to see if the babies are mature enough to be cut out. Because I can't be pregnant anymore. So whether I go into it naturally or not I'm having these babies at 37 weeks.

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